September’s a great time to rip out those old container annuals and vegetables and replant with cool-tolerant plants, such as pansies, chrysanthemums, and ornamental cabbage and kale. 

Before you replant, however, you’ll need to refresh the potting soil in your containers. Tip out the soil onto a tarp or newspaper, and break up any root-clumps from the plants you’ve removed. (Really big, cohesive rootballs should be removed and composted, any soil adhering to them shaken off first.) Then refill the containers with the old potting soil, adding fresh as needed to top up the containers. Finally, mix in a fresh sprinkle of a good time-release bloom fertilizer (ask Payne’s gardening experts what they suggest for your needs. Now you’re ready to replant.

Listen to the GARDEN GURU’s tip below for more information!