VALERIE’S VIEW from the Greenhouse!


Many of our customers want to know how to store their Gladiola bulbs as they are only hardy to Zone 7. The best method is to up-root them and lay them out to dry for a couple of days. Trim down the leaves. The old corm can be removed which is slightly different in color than the newer corm. Store them in a shoe box or crate with some dry sand in your garage or storeroom where they will stay dry.  Make sure they do not touch each other. Some customers use cardboard egg cartons, popcorn, Nylon stockings, onion bags, which work just as well. 

   Other plant customers want to store their Dahlia tubers.  As these are only hardy to Zone 8. These should be dug up, the soil shaken off and laid out to dry which should take approximately two days. You will see some shriveling on the tuber. They can then put them into paper bags and store them in the garage or store room. Dahlias multiply like crazy therefore, lots to store.

Many of our customers come in for pansies as they are very tough and can take the cold. We still have some. We also still have some garden mums which will come back as they are perennial.

Churches and some of our customers have started to book their Poinsettias for Christmas Day. Time marches on.