VALERIE’S VIEW from the Greenhouse!

GRASSES – Food for the Soul.

During the Summer and Fall, grasses provide food for the birds, a place for them to nest and a place for them to hide from birds of prey. Grasses are referred to as ‘food for the soul’.  They are a feast for the eyes and watching them sway in the wind is very comforting. They provide ‘winter interest’ as they sweep above the snow-covered ground. Many customers use them to provide a screen between them and the neighbor.

Most customers come in looking for Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ because it is a well-behaved grass and does well in part sun. We do NOT have any left, but we have several grasses in stock. We have panicum ‘Heavy Metal, panicum ‘Shenandoah’ also known as ‘Burgundy Falls’. They do well in Full Sun. We have a few of Bouteloua gracillis ‘Blonde Ambition’ which is a good substitute for Mexican Feather grass. It is shorter in height than most and holds its shape well.  

Some customers prefer a much taller grass. We have erianthus ravennnae ‘Hardy Pampas’ grass which grows around 5 to 12 feet and can be used as a border planting. Come see these and other varieties we have in stock.